Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Get My Ass Moving

No, I'm not talking about dancing or clubbing. Finally, I've been able to get my ass moving to go to gym starting this month. So far, my wife and I have been their 5 times already in this month. That's so far so good. Though, I've to admit that I didn't work out as hard as I should be. Cos, except in the weekend, we usually went there after dinner, so it was hard to do much except doing some light jogging or just walking. Nonetheless, we feel good with a bit sweating and simply get our asses moving. I feel good and sleep better afterwards. I think that's all that matter! I don't know how long we can stick to this kind of workout. Anyway, we are so far quite enjoying it as a way to relax and improving our metabolism. It is just feel good.......