Thursday, September 16, 2010

Being boring...

Well, I've not updated my blog much lately. Yes, I'm still going to work everyday, perform decently in a not very exciting job, but it pays my bills. Also, family life is as usual. Perhaps, that is why there is not much fun or special things that worth blogging about. The worst part is that not only my wife is complaining me of being boring, I also feel the same thing myself. I'm living a boring life right now. Not only my daily routine is boring, even what's going on in my head is as waveless as a soon-to-be-dry-up pond in Sahara. You know what I'm saying?! That's kinda suck! I feel like I'm a walking zombine living my life on cruise control. I'm just bored! So, I can't blame my wife for that.

Although my wife and I are actually planning to take our son to go a 3-4 days trip in December, that's still 3 months from now. I just need to get something going in our life. I can only think of rebooting our desire of working out and actually get our butts off the couch would be a good start. Besides that, I need to think of something that my wife and I can really do. Also, I need to kick start my thought as well. I feel like my brain is stuck in mud right now. Yes, I still go to the Net to read and get myself informed, that may not be enough. I think that I need a bit of motivation to jock my brain to be more actively engaged in something. I know I'm kinda vague in describing what I'm planning to do. Cuz, I can only say what I 'feel' whatI need, nothing is concrete or visually clear on what exactly I'm gonna do.

Anyway, I doubt this blogpost would generate any interest among few readers that I've. Cuz, unlike most of my other blogposts which are relatively clear in content, this one is so 'Picasso' that it's like I'm rumbling with words of hard-to-understand meanings. I'm sorry for that but I just can't help. Hopefully, things will be better soon, very soon!.....

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