I don’t know why I pick this as my topic today. Considering its name, come to think of it, it should be the very first blog. However, I think that it is more appropriate for me to write this now, cos I’ve written few blogs already, and I think I have a more accurate feeling as a reflection of my blogging experience.
I love to surf the web, particularly on other peoples’ blogs in the last few months. Probably that’s the reason why I start my own blog. I always feel like I have something to say. Certainly, I talk to my wife, but sometimes, that’s just not enough for some reasons. Though I guess my blog has rarely visited by anyone yet, I don’t really care much! Cos, I just want to have a place to ‘pour my thoughts’ out and store it somewhere. Even if nobody will ever read them, I think someday when I look back and read my own blog, I will certainly get my own satisfaction. I think this blog is primary for me, not me only, but it serves as a gateway to show the ‘partially opened secret garden’ of my mind.
As I grow older, I think I’m more mellow that before. Like most people, I used to be very critical on matters. However, nowadays, I do try to look at the same things from different points of view beside mine. So, I may still be critical on certain matters, but I will look at things more objectively and to be more analytical. I think that’s analytical method that I adopt currently. I think it takes more time but is deemed to be more useful for me. I feel that this method is more complete.
I wish I could write my blogs in Chinese sometimes. I did try to learn typing Chinese few months ago. I’m not able to motivate myself to practice. So, I can only use writing pad or use 九方中文 (http://www.q9tech.com/b5/product/q9/q9chi/q9chi.php3) to input Chinese characters, but they are just not very efficient for me to write long paragraphs particularly when I don’t have much time to write my blogs most days. Nonetheless, I will still try to use Chinese to write something when the time is right….But hey, for folks who can’t read Chinese, reading my blog should not be a problem!
Actually, language is just one of the method to communicate, I will continue to use photos or pictures and probably set up some links to music and insert audio/video files in my blog in future.
My first time reading your blog. It's fantastic. What a great way to share your thoughts. I will be a regular visitor to your blog. Keep up the good work!!
I have tried to start up my own blog but didn't really go anywhere cos I just somehow don't manage to keep it updated. It's great to see you having the dedication to keep the blog interesting and updated. What a sensational effort!
Top marks from me :)
uh... good post )
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